How to Help Your Child Make Healthy Eating Choices at School

| 3 min read

School cafeterias give children the opportunity to become independent eaters at an early age. While it’s a great way to try new foods, it also means parents are unable to control what and how much a child consumes.
Thankfully, USDA’s regulations assist children in making better decisions by requiring cafeterias to offer more fruit, vegetables and whole grains while limiting sodium, calories and unhealthy fats. However, it’s still important to educate young children on nutrition and how to make healthy decisions on their own.
Keep these tips in mind:
  • Talk it Out: Explain to your child that a balanced diet filled with fruits and vegetables is vital to well-being. Have an age-appropriate discussion on the importance of nutrition and how their food choices impact how they feel throughout the day. Explain that a healthy lunch will give him or her more energy to play at recess and do well in class.
  • Prepare for the Week: Review the school lunch menu with your child each week and discuss which foods and drinks are healthy, so they will know what to choose when purchasing lunch. For more information on the school meal program, check with the cafeteria manager or on the school’s website. Many districts include a page listing of ingredients, nutritional facts, allergen information and more.
  • Set an Example: The daily influence of a parent is more impactful than many people realize. Studies have shown young children’s food preferences are significantly influenced by what mothers liked, disliked and even those she had never tasted. The more excitement parents express about fruits and vegetables, the more likely their children will want to eat them, too.
  • Plan a Lunch Date: The School Nutrition Association recommends parents have lunch with their child in the school cafeteria. This special one-on-one time allows moms and dads to spend extra time with their child, and encourage healthy food choices. Check with the principal or cafeteria manager first regarding visitor policies.
  • Build Healthy Habits: Kids who eat with their families are less likely to snack on unhealthy foods and more likely to eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Although it can be challenging with busy schedules, family mealtime is key to developing healthy habits. Also, lessen the temptation to reach for processed after-school snacks by keeping fresh fruit and vegetables pre-washed, cut up and available for easy consumption.
  • Make it Fun: Healthy eating habits should be introduced and reinforced in creative and playful ways. For example, make a game out of consuming colorful fruits and vegetables daily. Encourage everyone in the family to “Eat the rainbow” by consuming red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple and white or brown produce daily to win. After school, discuss who ate the most colorful lunch. Think of a fun prize for the family member who has the most wins at the end of the week or month. The United States Department of Agriculture Choose My Plate website is a great resource for games and activities that encourage healthy choices in a positive way that kids can understand.
Photo Credit: A Healthier Michigan

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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